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From Rebel to CEO: An Unconventional Path


Entrepreneur, Engineer, Army Veteran


My childhood wasn’t easy. I wish I could start this blog with something more sugar-coated, a Hallmark movie or a childhood that portrays something like those early Disney films. We all want that right? To look back with fond memories and smile at the past. Over the years though, I’ve learned to appreciate the things I’ve been through and know now that the hard road is more gratifying than the easy one. I didn’t choose this life, it chose me.

I left home at 18 to join the army, signed when I was 17. Moving around the world, dodging rattlesnakes in the desert, firing weapons, gaffing trees and sleeping in snowy trenches wasn’t where I thought I’d be as a kid. I’d often question what I had gotten myself into but each time I did there was an experience that pulled me back into the fight, for my own life and also the fight for others.

After coming home I barely unpacked my bags before moving on to my next adventure. Because if there’s one thing the military taught me it was to resolve my fear and this time I wanted to see what I could do on my own. So I left the country and moved to London with only $1k in my pocket. I needed to prove to myself I could do it, and when I did, I returned to the States and immediately went to engineering school. I excelled at electrical engineering and manufacturing which left me with a sense of untapped bravery, until my near-death experience.

Motorcycles have always been a fascination for me. Getting on my bike was more than a rush, it was a sense of freedom. In October 2020, my life completely changed when I had a motorcycle accident that left me disabled and nearly took my life. At that point, things changed for me and while healing I knew that I wanted something more, and that's when I decided to start my own company with no regrets, even if I needed to use my own money to finance it.

Once I set my mind on something, I give it 110%, even when I'm doubtful or scared.

The motorcycle accident left me disabled. Although my mobility is difficult these are just setbacks and I keep persevering while taking on all of the challenges of running a company. I'd rather fail and attempt something than not try it all. Running a company is no easy task, something that there is no way of explaining to someone who hasn’t done it. I might have the demeanor of looking calm but don’t let that fool you, I feel the weight and the risk of my decisions every day.

In the military, I had to keep others safe and I still do that every day, except this time, it's my clients, employees, and their families that are relying on me. Every decision I make is a risk that has to be an intelligent one and also made quickly. Does it get to me sometimes? Of course, it does, I’m human. But I won’t let the people down who rely on me, and most of all, I won’t let myself down. I’ve been through too much to give up now. So like I’ve done for years, I will always keep my bags packed, ready for the next risk and the excitement of my next adventure.


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Mar 12

Great story!!


Mar 12

You're rad!

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